I remember going to see Camelot in the theater for the first time. I remember watching my brother standing up and yelling "Run boy, run."
Grand dreams of a life greater than the small person that we are and dreams of what we could be. The young boy listened to the tales of Camelot. Mesmerized by the tales he was sent out to tell the stories to all. For one brief shining moment...
But the tale started with a boy, a dreamer, and ended with a memory. Love gained, honor earned, a brief shining moment of beauty.
We want to spread the story of independence, of the beauty of living on the ocean, of independence from foreign oil, but the reality is that we don't have enough money to have enough food for one more day. We need a miracle. We need the one brief shining moment. Please, if you have an ear to hear us, if you want to share our dream, be our sponsor, be our Merlin, gives us the strength to pull the sword from the stone and live.
Katie and Mike
C/O Charleston City Marina
17 Lockwood Drive
Charleston, SC 29401
Hey mike and katie. This is Craig from the boat the other night. I really enjoyed meeting you guys and am thankful for your hospitality. Hope you guys have a great life and hope to run into you again one day.