Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yet Another Major Setback

Well, we're probably going to be chained to, or evicted from, the dock soon. Here we go...

Katie's contract job ran out last week. After spending several hours determining which state was actually paid unemployment taxes--long story--we found that South Carolina, despite its best efforts, was responsible for paying Katie unemployment until the next contract. However, after waiting 90 minutes to talk to a representative, she found that the taxes are paid quarterly, which means she can't even file until January. She cried. In public. Because once again, we're fresh out of hope. Back to normal for us.

Meanwhile, one guy that owes me money for work I did still hasn't paid up, and he threatened me--and Katie--the last time I confronted him about his debt. So, that's money we'll never see and precious time down the tubes. The new guy I've been working for hasn't had work for me in weeks, and still owes me a ton of back pay. I suspect he's going to stiff me as well. What is it about people in the boat world, that apparently everyone but us can get away with not paying for anything? How do WE achieve this Exalted Deadbeat status?

Anyway, we're out of money and pretty well out of hope. Again.

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