Three nights ago, one of the overhead lights went out. We thought it was a bulb and we replaced it. It still didn't work. The next night, the second overhead light went out and minutes later, the fan in the V-berth went out. Ten minutes later the fan in the AirHead toilet and the light went out in the bathroom. The only DC power available is going to the masthead light outside and the fresh water pump.
We knew that we had to redo the entire DC wiring system but it couldn't have come at a worse time. It will cost $460 for the DC panel and about $200 for the wiring. Mike can do the rewiring but we absolutely don't have the money to do it right now. Slip rent is $625 and due on the 5th. We won't even talk about the boat and car insurance, cell phone service, and the car payment.
Mike has been doing side work to make as much cash as possible while he waits to see if the company that is interested in hiring him actually gets the defense contract. I'm going to try to pick up side work interior cleaning luxury yachts.
I've been looking at to try and pick up technical writing work but I'm up against Bangalore, India pricing. I'm thinking of advertising on Craig's List. How about, technical writer will work for food and wiring.
It's been a rough week. Last night I looked up through the screened hatch in the V-berth. I'd just finished giving Mike a back massage because he is sore from detailing yachts. I could see a star and I made a wish. Let the wind be strong and steady. Then I asked God to bless and keep us.
I know this will pass, it just seems overwhelming right now.
This is a chronicle of life with Mike and Katie on board a 33' sailboat named Sovereign.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Slack Tide, No Wind, A Miracle Occured

It was perfect. The sun was setting, the wind had died down to nothing, and we were at slack tide. Jim, our new friend who lives on the hook said, Let's try it. Tom, a seasoned sea captain who has been twice around the horn said, Now or never. Will, one of my adopted bachelors, answered my phone call.
Will, we are moving the boat. Mike really needs you now.
Will asked, How are you going to do this?
I told him that Jim was going to use the tender and we need people on the dock to grab the lines. I think he could here the urgency in my voice. He was over to the T-dock in a flash. Ross, a nice young man who lives aboard, came over to see the commotion.
Will shook his head and said that the little inflatable didn't have enough power.
Well, I said, we need to get to our slip. The marina office needs the T-dock for a catamaran that just came in. No more stalling. We either have to find a way to fix the engine tomorrow or get the boat to our slip.
Tom jumped onto Sovereign and the bystanders became the crew. Ropes were loosened, I was at the wheel, Jim's tender was tied to our port side. He started his engine and we left the dock. At that moment I realized that Mike was still on the dock. It's just Tom and me on the boat with Jim in his tender. A small panic attack on my part but I didn't show my fear to Tom or so I thought. Tom stepped up to the wheel and said, Why don't I take over here and you move those ropes out of the way. Get ready to throw ropes when we get to the dock.
We started puttering away from the dock. At that point, Jim said, I don't have enough power to do this. All I could think of was, I guess I will be calling Boats US again to tow us out of the harbor or we will hit the bridge or one of the nice million dollar yachts in the next marina.
Tom said to Jim, Just point it straight, we are going to head under the bridge, get room to maneuver, and then bring her back in. I'll steer from here - we just need momentum.
And that is what happened, Tom steered us under the bridge, we looped in the roomy part of the harbor, and smoothly slid into our slip on K dock. The guys were there to grab lines and keep us from hitting the dock and it was perfect. Thanks to Tom of the Slocum, Jim of the two masted boat that we don't know the name for, Ross, Will, and my husband.
We are now safely in our slip and all is right with the world. In fact, one of the dolphins came to make sure we were welcomed to our new home. For our celebration party, I made smoked sausage and kraut. We fed the awesome people who helped us and then I properly beat Tom, Will, and Mike in Texas Hold 'em.
Life is good. Now, Mike will be working on the 101 problems with the boat. The engine, the wiring for the lights, the water that pumps in spurts and soaks me when I wash dishes, and more.
Ah well, that's life on a boat.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Cats Are On The Boat
Last week we brought the three cats onto the boat. Although I wanted to change their names to Chum 1, Chum 2, and Sharkbait, Mike refused. So, Pequat, Arwen, and Sparkle are now getting used to their new home. I had to return to Knoxville to pick up and sell more things and Charleston got hit with some really bad weather. Poor Mike. Two of the three cats got seasick. My cat, Pequat, was fine. I feel a little guilty because I wasn't here to help.
Today, the weather in Charleston is perfect and the cats are happy. Will is coming over for poker tonight. We will have some cold sweet tea, bruschetta on grilled bread, and maybe some jambalya.
I missed the boat (and my husband) the entire time I was in Knoxville. I can't wait until that life is over and this one is really started.
No - the boat engine still isn't working. Mike hasn't been able to work on it with the boat rocking.
Bad news. Will has been accepted at MMI in Orlando. He is leaving next week to start marine engine repair school. Ah well, we just keep making friends and I know that we will see him again.
Today, the weather in Charleston is perfect and the cats are happy. Will is coming over for poker tonight. We will have some cold sweet tea, bruschetta on grilled bread, and maybe some jambalya.
I missed the boat (and my husband) the entire time I was in Knoxville. I can't wait until that life is over and this one is really started.
No - the boat engine still isn't working. Mike hasn't been able to work on it with the boat rocking.
Bad news. Will has been accepted at MMI in Orlando. He is leaving next week to start marine engine repair school. Ah well, we just keep making friends and I know that we will see him again.
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