Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Could Use A Break

Three nights ago, one of the overhead lights went out. We thought it was a bulb and we replaced it. It still didn't work. The next night, the second overhead light went out and minutes later, the fan in the V-berth went out. Ten minutes later the fan in the AirHead toilet and the light went out in the bathroom. The only DC power available is going to the masthead light outside and the fresh water pump.

We knew that we had to redo the entire DC wiring system but it couldn't have come at a worse time. It will cost $460 for the DC panel and about $200 for the wiring. Mike can do the rewiring but we absolutely don't have the money to do it right now. Slip rent is $625 and due on the 5th. We won't even talk about the boat and car insurance, cell phone service, and the car payment.

Mike has been doing side work to make as much cash as possible while he waits to see if the company that is interested in hiring him actually gets the defense contract. I'm going to try to pick up side work interior cleaning luxury yachts.

I've been looking at to try and pick up technical writing work but I'm up against Bangalore, India pricing. I'm thinking of advertising on Craig's List. How about, technical writer will work for food and wiring.

It's been a rough week. Last night I looked up through the screened hatch in the V-berth. I'd just finished giving Mike a back massage because he is sore from detailing yachts. I could see a star and I made a wish. Let the wind be strong and steady. Then I asked God to bless and keep us.

I know this will pass, it just seems overwhelming right now.


  1. Hang in there! The road (waterway?) you've chosen isn't an easy one, but in the long run, I hope it'll pay off for you both.

  2. Also, just an additional thought re: jobs... If you have a Master's degree, you could apply for an adjunct online teaching position.
