Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Delivery, Part 2: USVI to Bermuda!

Having left The U.S. Virgin Islands behind, the next stop planned was Bermuda. We had already secured the boat for sea, storing all items that could go crashing about in the forward head. We ran up the sails, leaving a reef in for now, and said buh-bye to Saint Thomas:

Six Days At Sea Begins!

Quite a learning experience for me; I quickly learned two astoundingly handy new knots, how to steer a compass course--more on that shortly--and how to plot our course and position on a chart, as well as becoming familiar with the boat's extensive electronics. I also got used to the 3 hours on, 6 hours off watch schedule. That worked quite well once we started sleeping in the cockpit of the boat. It also rotated the chef duties: whoever finished watch at 1500 cooked dinner.

Weather kicks up, and I drive the boat!

My first-ever watch steering a compass course on the open ocean: nighttime, 20-25 knot winds, 8-10 foot seas, and unfamiliar boat. Captain Jerry had to take the wheel and get us back on course four times, finally relieving me of helm duty 15 minutes early. I felt like a complete idiot and knew the next two weeks would entail me being basically useless.

Weird Dreams at Sea!

They say people have weird dreams at sea, and they're right. Once I got to sleep, I had very odd--but kind of sexy--dreams about Katie and me on our boat, sailing this bizarre phosphorescent sea on the S/V Sovereign. In the dream, we saw a giant sperm whale breach, but it had bright South American poison-arrow-frog coloration. Why, I wonder, would a 60-ton whale need markings that say, "I'm poison, don't eat me?"

Close Call!

My afternoon watch the next day, there's a blip on the radar. It becomes a spot on the horizon. Then a ship. Then a big ship. Then a big ship that's on a stinkin' intercept course! We hailed her on the VHF for 10 minutes. No response. We finally had to turn off-tack to avoid being run over. Much FCC-approved verbiage from us over the radio. Finally they acknowledged our existence. Beware the freighter Fre Pride out of Milan:

To be continued!

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