Our last day at sea, and my last watch is 0300-0600. Easy seas, mild winds, and the breakfast of champions:
We motorsailed into Long Island Sound, greeted by the remains of an old fort. I looked it up later, it's Fort Tyler aka The Ruins:
Finally, after 12 days sailing, we brought Sled into Sag Harbor, none the worse for wear. Here she is tied up to her new summer home in New York:
The owner, David, met us at the harbor while we were hosing down the boat. Brought us coffee and bagels, really a super-nice guy. He then drove us to his home in the Hamptons where we had showers, watched deer, and set up flights home.
Jerry and Sherry got flights out the same day. We dropped them off at LaGuardia and then headed into Manhattan. Since I couldn't get a flight until the next day, the owner put me up at the Guest Apartment ( http://www.baeblemusic.com/theguestapartment/ ) at his Greenwich Village home/studio/office, a five-story building with a view of the Empire State Building from the roof:
I'll say it again, he was an amazingly nice dude. I hung out with his family and ate 2" thick New York Strip steaks, and in the morning he had "a car"--a Lincoln limo--drive me to the Newark airport.
Final note, USAirways will screw--I mean nickel and dime--you quite nicely. The ticket did not include the cost of...luggage! $25 extra, good thing I stuck a blank check in my passport. And! Just like Spirit Air, everything beyond basic pressurized air is extra. And! They lost my luggage; it arrived at the marina the next day.
So, thus endeth the journey, my first job crewing a yacht delivery. I think I'll do it again.
Nice adventure, I look forward to hearing about more