Jerry cuts me a break!
After a few event-free watches at the helm, Jerry told me--because I asked him--that I actually did pretty bloody well on my first watch (previous post). He said most newbies didn't last an hour, and I made it to almost 3. So I will definitely have to thank Mid-Ohio Raceway and my Miata days for that. He then explained the secret of keeping the boat on course in heavy seas and strong winds. No, you don't get the lesson for free. Heh.
That night, Jerry and I threw the autopilot on, did a visual and radar sweep, and shut off all the nav lights. We then sat on the swim platform--boat going about 7 knots--and dangled our feet in the phosphorescence kicked up in our wake. Awesome experience. Learned to identify several constellations, plus Mars and Venus.
Weird dreams, part two!
We got pulled over--in the dream--by a USCG cutter at night, blinded by their searchlights as the boarding party came over to us. They were very polite in the dream, professional, with very sharp working uniforms. They were also anthropomorphic iguana-men. As I said, they were very polite. They inspected our passports and ship papers, took all of our hard-boiled eggs, and wished us a safe journey.
We made it. The entry channel is very very narrow. Here we are heading into the murder hole into Saint George's Harbor:

To be continued!
These are great pictures!! The blue of the water looks incredible. I bet it was even more impressive in person.