Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just a cup of coffee

Morning arrives in Charleston and the boat is gently rocking. The sound of traffic from the bridge overhead is a constant thrum and the air conditioner blocking the hatch is on full cool. The sound of water trickling into the cockpit from the unit is a worrisome sound. Anytime you hear water trickling on a boat, you have to check where it is coming from and to where it is going. Mike has been awake for a while and has already boiled the water and made coffee using the French press. The Senseo coffee maker died a year ago and while missed, was totally impractical for our use. The pods were expensive, the maker itself took up quite a bit of room, and most importantly, it ran on AC. This means that when we are not on shore power, we would have to run the generator in order to make coffee. So, boiling water and the French press are the best solution for the start of the day. While we are in port, we can venture to the Harris Teeters grocery store to buy their excellent store brand ground coffee. However, we have a cache of Community Brand coffee beans and a hand-crank coffee grinder for emergencies that we will use when we finally set off on our cruising adventures. Mike hands me a steaming cup of coffee as I power up my laptop and get ready for work. As I start reviewing my documents for the day, I realize how much I appreciate my husband. The act of making coffee for me in the morning is one of the many kindnesses he blesses me with throughout the day.

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