Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wind Turbine added!

We added another piece of handy gear to the boat: a big wind turbine. Wattage will depend on the wind, of course, but it's a solid unit rated for 300W peak. I had the option to wire it directly to the batteries and ground but that would waste a lot of the power, plus it might interfere with the solar charge controller. I decided to treat it as a clean power source and get the most out of it. A bit of research led me to a nice 50-amp bridge rectifier for 3-phase input which would smooth the turbine output to ripple DC. The DC then goes to a second charge controller to regulate the voltage further, and then finally to the batteries. I've been testing it without an ammeter so far by watching the change in the primary solar controller output, but I am definitely going to add a meter to the system.

1 comment:

  1. So you're using two charge controllers? One for the PV panels and one for the turbine? When we move to Texas, we will also be using a hybrid wind/solar setup (albeit much larger) to generate power. I had not seen much about hybrid systems out there.
